A shoutout to some of the organizations we endorse -
Sky Island Alliance
Leads restoration that increases the capacity of local ecosystems to tolerate disturbance without collapsing to change - work that ensures plants and wildlife have the best chance possible to persist in the Sky Islands
Madrean Archipelago Wildlife Center
Advocates for wilderness and wildlife, the making of art; and fostering love, compassion, and goodwill, from the Madrean Archpelago region
Center for Biological Diversity
Implements science, law, and creative media with the purpose of protecting the lands, waters, and climate that threatened species of every variety need to survive
Malpai Borderlands Group
Protects and restores the ecological diversity and productivity of ranchlands in Southeast Arizona and Southwest New Mexico, with leadership of community ranchers; through wildlife habitat defense and restoration, innovative cooperative land conservation and management, and community outreach
Borderlands Restoration Network
Assists development of regional conservation economy in which diverse, fulfilling livelihoods support the restoration of thriving ecosystems and healthy communities in the U.S./Mexico borderlands
Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection
Works to create a community where ecosystem health is protected so that wildlife, residents, visitors, and future generations can drink clean water, breathe clean air, and find wild places to roam in the Sonoran Desert
Chiricahua Regional Council
Monitors public agency actions and other issues affecting the Chiricahua, Peloncillo and Dragoon Mountains and nearby areas of southeastern Arizona, southwestern New Mexico, and adjacent northern Mexico; as a citizens’ watchdog group
Nods to more projects far and wide, whose work, friendship, or sense of community helps to keep us inspired and productive -
U.S. Southwest
SW Indigenous Women’s Coalition / AISES / Taking Up Space / Apache Stronghold / Flowers & Bullets / Native Seeds/SEARCH / Desert Survivors / The Border Chronicle
U.S. Pacific Northwest
Rory Sparks / Cloudforest Chocolate / Stahman Guitars / Indent Magazines & Books